تنويه: اكثر من 95% من المتداولين يخسرون جميع أموالهم في التداول التداول يحمل معاه مخاطر كثيرة, انت مسؤول تمام عن إدارة صفقاتك ومحفظتك الغرض من الموقع التعليم والتدريب فقط وليست نصائح مالية ولا استثمارية

We are your new family in professional trading

Here you will learn why we chose the symbols of our logo, which we cherish, and our team, who will lead you to the path of successful trading.

The elephant

• Our choice of elephant as one of our symbols comes from our knowledge of the strength of this symbol in various civilizations, which is the slogan of strength and stability, and it is what our confident and unwavering lines are characterized by external influences.

• In the history of the Buddha, the elephant symbolizes mental strength and responsibility, and these are values that permeate our teachings.

• And the spirit of the elephant is the spirit of wisdom, continuity and discernment, and it is our values.

The dice

• The dice is the symbol of luck as we all know, and it is an integral part of the money markets. One day luck will be your ally and the day when it will be the strongest enemy, but we make the luck in our favor and control it by managing our professional portfolio.

• When luck is our enemy, we protect ourselves by stopping loss and when it is in our favor, we win and grow our wallets.

• The fall of the dice on any aspect will serve us and we will not care about the law of possibilities.


• Or the so-called Greek key, is the ancient Yuna symbol symbol of unity and interdependence, which we are trying to build to be a united society. We all grow hand in hand to develop continuously.

• What is the importance of our society in our channels is strong interdependence and absolute trust with each other, this is for us one of the most important reasons for our success and the success of our investors.

The jewels

• Jewels are the result of all these values, our teachings, our tiredness, and watching.

• Which we all deserve after our effort to learn and develop not only in the financial markets, but in all areas of our lives, the presence of everyone here is caused by a passion for the exception.

So the jewels will be our harvest after our diligence.

The team of certified analysts in our channels

Yosef Monopoly

Wykoff and Elliott analyst


SMC analyzer


Harmonic analyzer

What are you waiting for! Start your journey with us now!